Originally Posted by Lurker
Yes you're saying the Fall was a fall from being animal? Wasn't the Fall the introduction of sin to humans (sexual awareness etc)? So if anything isn't it the reverse of evolution in that in the Fall man became more animalistic?
I think parables if anything would make it harder for people to understand. It's the ancient equivalent of nowadays assuming stupid people are capable literary critics.
It was not really a fall if you look at it the right way. It was a chance at an after life versus death. With sin we were also given the power to choose. Animals do not choose they act only on survival instict. So we rise up and choose our own fate.
He compared the kingdom of God to things they could touch and see and relate to which would make it easier for someone to grasp then talking about something they have no knowledge of. Most of the people that listened to Jesus could not read and had not read the old testiment. They were also kept on the outskirts of the temple.
I don't know why you'd have to be a literary critic to understand a parable. They make a lot more sense to me then the old testament. It's not a poem.