Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i'll spare you the wikipedia quotes & recommend you call your headshrinker? they used to have pagers, those people, now they hide behind secretaries and voice mails but you can always check yourself in if need be.
(from WebMD

Clonazepam Oral
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Does this medication have side effects?
The following side effects are associated with Clonazepam Oral:
Common side effects:
DrowsinessLess SevereDizzyLess SevereSlurred SpeechLess Severe
Infrequent side effects:
DepressionSevereMuscle WeaknessSevereConfusedSevereLow EnergyLess SevereUncoordinatedLess SevereFeeling WeakLess Severe
Rare side effects:
Problem BehaviorSevereExtrapyramidal ReactionSevereYellowing of Skin or Eyes from Liver ProblemsSevereAbnormally Low Blood PressureSevereSignificant Decrease in Lung FunctionSevereLiver ProblemsSevereItchingSevereCannot Focus ThoughtsSevereLoss of MemorySevereSeizuresSevereRashSeverePeriods of Not BreathingSevereCannot Empty BladderSevereLife Threatening Allergic ReactionSevereGiant HivesSevereReaction due to an AllergySevereSyndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone SecretionSevereAnemiaSevereDecreased Blood PlateletsSevereDeficiency of Granulocytes a Type of White Blood CellSevereDecreased White Blood CellsSevereDecreased Neutrophils a Type of White Blood CellSevereBlood DisorderSevereHaving Thoughts of SuicideSevereTaking Habit Forming DrugsLess SevereBlurred VisionLess SevereProblems with EyesightLess SeverePerform Complex Natural behaviors while AsleepLess SevereAn Increase in the Secretions of the LungsLess SevereIncreased Production of SalivaLess SevereDry MouthLess SevereIrritation of the Stomach or IntestinesLess SevereIncomplete or Infrequent Bowel MovementsLess SevereMuscle SpasmLess SevereSensation of Spinning or WhirlingLess SevereInvoluntary QuiveringLess SevereExcessive ThirstLess SevereHead PainLess SevereDifficulty SpeakingLess SevereFast HeartbeatLess SevereFeel Like Throwing UpLess SevereThrowing UpLess SevereDiarrheaLess SevereDifficult or Painful UrinationLess SevereStomach CrampsLess SevereNervousLess SevereEasily Angered or AnnoyedLess SevereFalse Sense of Well-BeingLess SevereAltered Interest in Having Sexual IntercourseLess Severe