Haha, I dunno what you're talking about. I'm not trying to be critical, I'm..
wait for it..
wait for it...
I don't slag 'em off at all, I really love all their albums aside from Nurse and Rather Ripped and Dirty. But everything else, all SYR's and EP's and singles and outtakes and bootlegs, and a lot of the side projects, are quite good. I'm still going to tell everyone that Free Kitten is the worst thing I've ever heard, though (aside from Mars Volta and the Markers).
I'm sure not even Thurston enjoys everything his band has put out. Hell, he'd probably agree with me on some of the stuff I say, who knows. All that matters is, at the end of the day, I still enjoy them a lot. Even though I don't listen to them very much anymore -- I don't need to, I have all those records memorized!