I'm fine with it.
Its interesting enough, and the ways it effects the lives of living things great and small always is.
As far as human life goes...hah. No big deal. In terms of time, even just of this planet...an exhale.
The odds of it all....of life...of me ! I love it so ! But at the same time, I cant become too attached. It leaches the respect and that love out of it, it makes it a possession, it makes me feel higher than I am...as luscious as that can be...at the same time, I cant feel too small either...it makes others take what I leave.
There is so much intense love for the things that are right there...like yourself...right there. Just because you are there. Of all odds. The ability to even comprehend the language I am transmitting to you, it is carried to you, from me to you. Just becuase of that luck, and that ability, and that you receive it....that link, of all life forms, of all transmission....wow.