it's fucking stupid.
someone I used to work with at Starfux would steal bulbs half the time. Made me so mad. He eventually was a shift supi too. When our store closed he took two issi's (the cream makers that you put the bulbs in to de-gas them and make cream.. or.. huff )
He was freakin nong.. I was running a shift one day and he had his mom call 5 minutes before he was due to start saying he didn't feel well and he couldn't come in. IRL = OD on wankerism and gassin
seriously it's nothing like herion. it's just fucking dumb. Can't believe you're doing that shit. Find something better and less boring to play with. Buy a fucking cream can and use the bulbs to make some nice whip cream to put all over naked ladies boobies. Way more fun than huffing that junk.
tiny and lost.