Enough! Im getting even more depressed about my situation!
I have mono and cant even go make out with new chicks, I lay around resting all day and thinking about my old girl, who is clearly moved on and told me "I cant have her back and I need to get over it or I'll be miserable"...nice one, thanks!
I dont have any new girls lined up, and most girls in cincy are gross or half retarded....so that means I have to go out and actually meet new chicks...but I get bored with them because my last one was basically the female version of me and Im very narcisistic! What I mean is, she painted, she sang, she played guitar, she was intelligent, she was an outsider, she was weird and dressed weird and I cant find that in anyone else right now so I lose interest...and I was used to being alone, I was along for awhile before I met my current ex, but we connected so deep and the sex was so good I dont think I can be alone again, or I dont know how...Im too addicted to the emotional and the physical...
The only chick I almost fucked was a friend of a friend and I found out (before I fucked her thank god) that she has a huge jock boyfriend and a nice VD! haha...thank god I passed that one by...
I'm losing my mind. Pretty sure...yep there it goes.