Originally Posted by Dead-Air
I've had one cavity in 42.75 years, and my old school dentist back then didn't even use novocaine, just tapped it with the drill and it was gone. I would have no other dental work except I bit on a rock in my hashbrowns a couple years ago and had to get a crown. I went like 8 years without going to a dentist too, and brush once a day and never floss. So when hippies go on about how flouride in the water is bad for you, I laugh in their faces. They had it in the water in Seattle when I was a kid.
Originally Posted by infinitemusic
The only thing I've had is cleaning. My teeth are really solid or something, I don't know. I've never had any cavities 
hey gooodie goodies.. might i interest you in some candy?

besides, why keep perfect teeth like an african?

after all..
Originally Posted by atsonicpark
..cavities.. Fuck it.