Originally Posted by Glice
Fucking hell, have you ever got a persecution complex, eh?
you think this was an isolated event? I get fucked with at least once a month for the past ten years at least.. fuck you, when was the last time they hand cuffed you and threw you in the cage of their car? When was the last time they stopped you just for walking down the street and got out and punkd you and put you in hand cuffs on the curb, ran you down for warrants, searched your pockets, said a bunch of degrading bullshit and all that cop bullshit?
complex, its not a disorder, it is a reality. I get fucked with by the cops, routinely. in fact, I wasn't even offended this morning, I am so used to it I literally saw it coming when I saw them 300 yards away. I saw the whole routine like when he touched his cuffs twice reaching around to put them on me like he wished they would. The only reason these fuckers dont take me in everytime, is the grace of the Almighty God and few Hail Mary prayers..
you have it backwards Glice. Didn't you piece it together? If I have a persecution complex, it is DIRECT result of having spent a decade and more being continuously degraded, harassed, robbed, asaulted, and even had one of my friends killed by a machine gun all by the POLICE. What I say about the system, the government etc may sound like a persecution complex to you, but that is only because the strong arm of the government perhaps DOES NOT routinely and continuously harass you and make it a reality. I do not have a persecution complex, I have a problem being persecuted. You don't live in my shoes, until you can C-walk in em, watch your insinuations please, I was just starting to like you too..