any experience?
I get fucked with forever, since I was ten years old! Always with the handcuffs, throw I-man in the cage of the car, bullshit small talk while you humiliatingly run me for warrants I don't have..
"Where you going?" them always say..
Hey pig, FUCK YOU! Where am I going? Where are you going motherfucker! Did I stop you? Did I bother and ask you about all your business? What the fuck does it matter where I am going!
Today I got harassed at my work. I work at a high school. I have worked there for six weeks. Its a small school, most people know me. Twice now the police have harassed me but today was the worst. In a crowded hall on my way to class they stopped me, asked where I was going (as usual) and what I was doing there..
when I said, "I work here.." they weren't buying it. They circled me, made a big scene not only in front of hundreds of kids passing in the hall (it was passing period) but also several kids from all of my classes including the one I was heading too..
The nerve of those fuckers! He touched his hand cuffs twice to take them out until he realized where he was and the circumstances (when they run you for warrants they tend to cuff you for 'their safety')..
The office vouched for me, they sent me on my way with my tail between my legs.. They didn't have to run me for warrants on the job like that, or make a scene in the middle of the hall. They could have been much more courteous and respectful of the situation. I understand they were looking for someone or some bullshit like that or so they said and so I will feign to believe, but that did not justify running me for warrants and trying to search my bag and handcuff. The only reason they didn't search me or pad me down or any of the bullshit is because I refused to let them..
By boss was furious! A student passing in the hall went to her class and told them I was getting gaffled up, she came out too late, but went and complained. I get a written letter of apology (to cover their own asses of course in case I want to sue which I would not dream of, I am not vindictive or judgmental) which I will FRAME ON THE WALL, because out of ALL THESE YEARS it will be the first genuine apology the system, the police and those assholes at a school have EVER given me for years of constant harassment!