I don't know, any approach to art is valid, but I've always seen my own artistic creation in an anti-philosophical light. A lot of my own music is created almost immediately after heavy study but is more like a catharsis of whatever sentimental baggage I've acquired while engaging in the intellectual instead of an attempt adopt those ideas into art. I'm not sure how Deleuze would be applied to art theory, besides maybe his "buggery" which seems antithetical to what I believe (i.e. being intellectual reinterpretation rather than emotion, and I only suppose because I've read little Deleuze). That strikes me as a recipe to make your art a constant victim to academic fashion and only interesting in that limited way. The only philosopher that I think has been valuable to my artistic approach would be Kierkegaard in straddling between the aesthetic life and the ethical life, but that's mostly retrospective.