Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
marcus garvey's wet dream!
I bet those 10% wil be Puerto Ricans.
I see, you like Glice, have misinterpreted Garvey and Rastafari concept of Black Supremacy. It is not to be mistaken as similar to white supremacy. Black Supremacy does not teach the blacks are superior to whites or all other people and races as white supremacy does. Garvey and the UNIA is not a KKK for blacks to hate whites..
It is the concept of black power and supremacy in black places such as Africa, the South, or the Caribean, where white supremacy, racism and colonialism have and continue to disenfranchise and even brutalize black peoples. When Rastaman say, "Black Supremacy" they do not imply automatic inferiority of others, as in White supremacy.
So Garvey's paradise is not a world of only black folks, but rather a world where black folks control what is theirs, Africa for the Africans as he said.