Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
See, I've only ever had one girlfriend. With your first girlfriend, you think you know everything, and it is sort of an educational smack in the face. You realize you don't love her and that you don't really know what love is, you break up with her, and give her a shitty explanation of why it is over.
See I don't agree there. I think you did love her. Love just isn't always enough. I think a huge part of it depends on where both of you are at in life, what directions you're going, and how willing both of you are to compromise for what the other person needs you to compromise on. Love is absolutely necessary, of course, but if you spend all your time thinking about that one word you're going to overlook a lot of other words that will smack you in the face later.
Like "happiness." They
don't always come together.