Originally Posted by Nefeli
that guy as a whole is really hot. i just hadnt been attracted to him all this time for various of reasons.
I find this quote/idea really interesting and curious. I think everyone I've ever met who I've been attracted to, I've known within 5 minutes of talking to them or whatever, that I find them attractive. I dunno.. I rarely develop an attraction over time, I guess, is what I'm trying to say. Though, certainly, people do become a bit more or less attractive, I never have thought "oh, he or she isn't attractive" and then later "Okay, I'm attracted now." I find that interesting, like.. what exactly sparks something like that? Do our own tastes mature (or immature?!) as we get older?
Then again, I think about 75% of women I meet has something I've found attractive about her... though I guess it takes a lot more than "something attractive" to really ignite a spark inside me. There's lots of cool/nice/good looking/etc people with attractive qualities. I'm interested in that, though.. like how many attractive qualities does a person need to have for me to declare, "OKAY, I AM ATTRACTED TO THEM, OFFICIALLY."
I dunno, just talking to myself.