Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I always get good looking chicks, somehow. I've never been with an ugly chick, of the 7 or 8 I've messed around with. I know I don't deserve 'em... I must be cooler than I thought.
try an ugly chick some day, they can be fun! ha ha ha. ok i will not persist on this line of thought today.
Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
foot fetishes gross me out, the other thing that really grosses me out is food sex.
i'd like to post a warning that whipped cream on nipples, while initially appealing, soon turns to a mess due to leftover grease on the skin. you want coconut oil, not sugar and dairy.
Originally Posted by atsonicpark
nothing grosses me out.
Poop sex is a bit weird though.
ha ha haaaaaaa
that definitely is nasty to look at, i can only imagine the stench to be a huge boner killer.