10.04.2009, 05:45 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: mars attacks
Posts: 42,704
Originally Posted by Glice
Two points: If Burger King requires you to do drug tests before you can work there, you are in a more draconian country than, say, China or Iran. That's absolutely disgraceful, and for a country that has personal liberties staunchly defended by a constitution (something that isn't as preciously defended over here), that's fucking evil.
you don't know what they test for in china
Originally Posted by Glice
Secondly: Snoop might come from an iffy background, but I can't think of an instance in any of his popular songs where he alludes to anything more 'immoral' than smoking the green. And, even so, it's clouded in euphemism and metaphor. Which is to say that when Lou Reed sang about Heroin, he did it with no subtlety; by the time Transformer-era Reed came about he was massive, and had learned the value of the metaphor in making a song popular (cf. Perfect Day).
good analysis, bitch.
go get some tenure now.