09.25.2009, 05:29 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: fucking Los Angeles
Posts: 14,801
Originally Posted by jon boy
i cant see the difference in those shoes.
i used to wear them all the time and vans too but my feet began to hurt so much i had to get 'proper shoes' as my dad would say.
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
not necessarily, converse are universally complained as being uncomfortable for long durations, and so most peope dont wear them perpetually or exclusively. Of course, if you break through this concept, and force your feet to adjust, similar in method to Shaolin, then you will find that converse turn into your feet themselves. You have to relearn how to walk, and if you already had, then you begint to take these shoes very seriously. the onestars serve as a fashionable version of such shoes, which are more of a meditation then footwear.
Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
describe this walk for me pleaseee

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