Alien & Anti-Christ
I personally believe aliens exist, and I think it's the strongest deception ever created by Satan... even the faithful ones will be deceived. They say Satan is not capable to create a living being. I do agree, but if man can clone animals, there's a possibility that Satan can use our DNA to clone aliens in the outer space.
If aliens are really clones of mankind, they certainly fit the description of anti-Christ. The bible describes him as the beast, which means a sub-human being.
Maybe the crop circles and UFO sightings are real, they want to be known, they want to make us familiar with them first, before their formal landings on our earth. When they are here, our super powers are helpless, their high-tech missiles are of no use. The whole world will submit to them in minutes. When they are finally here, there comes a new ruler of our world, the anti-Christ, who can perform magics and wonders, who will proclaim himself as God, the creator of the universe.
This is just one good possibility, if it's true, it means the end time can happen anytime, like Jesus says, no-one knows the day and hour, it comes when most unexpected. So be prepared, just keep looking, and watch out the sky!!