I'm kinda retro, I suppose. But I still embrace some of the modern technological advances. I use computers for the internet, I like dvd's (but I'm not all up in the air about it, it's just a cool pregression in film technology), I have a cd player, but I fucking hate Ipod's just because they are so trendy. I think it's pretty interesting to be able to fit hundreds of song on a little plastic thing the size of your palm, but I'm also a huge proponent of albums and records. I wear old, ripped clothes and I have long, ratty hair. I don't,like whole lot of modern technology and I hate the modern music trends. Theymake me sick to my stomach.
"No way, man! Cuz dyin' would be a stone groove! Got any messages for Jimi Hendrix?"
"Yes. Pick up your puppy."