Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Q. Is it true that the noise you hear in the night is many spiders?
A. I haven't heard this one before but my answer would be no, it's not. Spiders don't make a noise and there certainly wouldn't be that many around to make one.
I dont know what this is.
But, I've heard the sound of millions of spiders, trapped behind a wall. It was so loud I was woken up by it. I had moved all my bedroom furniture to the middle of the room so that I could paint, and my friend was on the couch, so I was on the floor. I woke up to the sound of their little feet scratching away through this half-centimeter gap where the wall tried to join a ledge, this faint but multiplied scratching, scratch scratch scratch. At first I had no idea it was spiders, until I crept up to the wall, where I saw all their little legs, all at once, trying to crawl through. Jailbreak!
I remember it pretty well because of how fucking instantly terrified I was. I pretty much choked my friend out of her sleep with my sudden hosing of aerosol furniture polish all along the crack, screaming.
I'm all tough when there's just one or a couple spiders hanging around.
Well, maybe not those big furry brown ones.