^I bought a copy to read about 6 months ago and I haven't even started it yet. I do 99% of my reading in public and that's not a book you read in public.
On-topic: Yesterday there was this panel/billboard truck on the interstate with a photo of an aborted 7 week fetus on a quarter with a picture of Obama under it with the quote "I'm a devout Christian". I literally had to fight the urge to run the truck off the road. This kind of ignorance and intolerance in American society is horrifying. The Bush administration NEVER received this kind of, frankly, disrespectful treatment (Being called a liar while addressing Congress, really? Bush deserved that. Hell, he deserved a whole lot worse but he never got it) And I'm going to agree with Suchfriends on this one, I think a whole lot of it is because of leftover racism, especially in the southern United States.
"One: Where's the fife? and Two: Gimme the fife."