Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
there are plenty of sources but you need to do your own homework on this one, I've got to rush of to work right now..
this all started to come out in the open during the Contra scandal when a bunch of rouge CIA agents felt like bragging about their work..
CNN reports CIA connection to Drug Dealing
US DEPT of Justice report on CIA drug dealing
The CIA went to Vietnam to sell heroin on US streets using pre-gang networks. The mexican and black street gangs evolved out of the party krews they were in the 50s/60s into violent street gangs over drug dealing. It is the CIA war chest, don't be so naive.. why are we in Afghanistan today? In 1999 the CIA world fact book said that Afghanistan produced upwards of 90% of the world supply of heroin.. shortly after the US invades.. in nearly 10 years the US and NATO have done practically NOTHING to stop or curb opium/heroin production.. gee I wonder why 
Politics of Heroin by Alfred W. McCoy which is the source; also Killing Hope by William Blum, Out of Control by Leslie Cockburn ('80s Central American Wars) & her Frontline documentary, Crimes of Patriots by Jonathan Kwitny (Nugan Hand Bank).
What else?
This is how it will all end: not with floods, earthquakes, falling comets or gigantic crabs roaming the Earth. No, doomsday will start simply out of indifference.