Old school, or whatever.
I'm not bragging. Part of why I'm so retro has to do with what I grew up with and am used to. Part of it has to do with this thing I've had almost all my life against technological change, especially change that just seems to be about change for change sake, trendiness. Therefore, I hated Walkmans, I hated the CD revolution, and I hate iPods.
But here is how retro I am currently:
1. I prefer LPs over CDs.
2. I actually use a Walkman radio/cassette player.
3. I make mix tapes (as in cassette).
4. I use a cell phone that is more than 3 years old and looks like a walkie-talkie compared to everyone else's.
5. I like to go to movies in a movie theater, and the best ones are not in the mall but the ones you walk into off a city street (very hard to find anymore though).
6. I have never downloaded music.