here, i can show you some of the script but i'm probably not supposed to, i am cathy
We discover in a bedroom a pretty girl, Cathy, in a short party dress, a red headphone around her neck, her back against the large window, We hear a violent argument between her parents, that takes place in another room.
" You wasted it all in your cheap fuckin' coke ! "
The girl slips the headphone on her ears and looks at the huge mirror in front of her. On this mirror are old stickers of nude asian girls with big boobs. She moves her hand under the dress and starts to masturbate herself.
Lee climbs the stairs.
In his room, he discovered that Cathy speaks with two boys and one of her friends. She smiles.
Cathy : You wanna play with us ? Truth or Dare.
The girl turns towards Cathy : Cathy, Truth or Dare?
Cathy : Nothing but the truth your honor.
Girl : ... What matters most to you, about boys ?
Cathy looks to Lee with confidence and answers : I'd like one that cares.
In front of the bedroom door, Lee opens it. We discover Cathy engaged on a perverse sex with two boys, they scratch, bite, strangle each others, a boy munch her pussy, Lee's face is a bit broken. We focus our attention on him, as we hear the sexual noises. He seems to take the knife out of his back pocket, we can scarcely see the point of it.
SUBTITLE : Love is just an old good lie.
"I love meth." - batreleaser