Originally Posted by porkmarras
I'd like to stress here that if anything is done in moderation it is fun and also:
1)Potheads generally get on my nerves
2)The majority of smackheads horrify me
3)I can't stand it when people talk about their drug-intake all the time(Give me the Jason Pierce/Spacemen 3 school of drug-taking anytime)
4)Drugs are fun every now and then but 90% of the time they turn people into
5)I'd never inject anyhting into my veins and i'm not scared of needles ever
6)I detest the weekender-school of thought about drug taking and getting mashed(Me and my mate Kate,Lady of Devon,used to get drunk on a Tuesday simply because it was soooo more punk rock than doing it on a Friday).
I run the risk of falling foul of 3) by posting this thread. In spite of that, I find point 1) to be contributary largely to 3) and 4) a, b & c.