I'm usually the one that yells at people from my car. But I don't say anything like that. I usually just drive by golf courses and yell ARHGTHHRHGRHGHRGHGHGGHHGHHHHH right when someone is about to tee off. Or I drive by bitches and yell NICE BEARD.
One time me and my friend were driving by a school at about 6pm and there were two people throwing a frisbee around. He yelled "FRISBEE SUCKS!" their reply: "FUCK YOU!" We were almost a block away when he replied "I-I'M SORRY, I JUST DON'T REALLY LIKE FRISBEE ALL THAT MUCH!"
One time I was driving to Idaho and there were these kids walking on the interstate (wtf) so I yelled "THAT'S ILLEGAL!" the same friend yelled "DON'T FEED FISH STICKS TO A SEAGULL!" (props if you get the reference.)
Yeah, good times.