08.25.2009, 04:27 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 1
Originally Posted by scott v
According to Chris Lawerence and the great photos he took of SY's gear as of recently on this tour it is apparent that Thurston and Kim are branching out and using different effects units... Is this confirmed on any of the other tour dates?
according to Chris, T's now using:
Sitori Sonics 'Harem Fuzz'
MXR Phase 90
Dunlop Jimi Hendrix Octave Fuzz
Crowther 'Hot Cake' overdrive
Electro-Harmonix/Sovtek Big Muff
Mutron Wah-Vol
and No longer using a Proco Turbo Rat and an MXR Blue Box!!!
I went on the Sitori Sonics website and they appear to no longer make the 'Harem Fuzz' and after a little research the only info I obtained about it is described as a "lower gain RamsHead Big Muff clone", I am not sure how accurate this is... Just curious if anyone else noticed this or has any info.
hello everyone. i am emanual ellinas, the guy that makes the sitori sonics pedals.
i am SO happy that my FAVORITE band in the world is using my stuff!!!
they got a bunch of other stuff too, but i will leave it up to you (and them) to let people in on that stuff as time goes by.
i dropped in to say that our website is terrible. horrible. poop, i say.
we do make the harem fuzz, and several others that are not listed.
we are suffering from the 'ol "my brother in law does our website and is lagging", etc...
we are working on changing that right this very second.
until then, if anyone has any questions, just go to sitorisonics.com and go to the contact page. that brings you right to me, and we can talk.
take care!!!