Thread: God vs Satan
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Old 08.15.2009, 12:21 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by swa(y)
the flood? sodom and gomorah? the tower of babel?

want me to stop?

hey, I read the thing twice through already you don't need to tell me. I was just answering yr question. Believe in whatever God you like, but as for me, I believe in a God of pure love and understanding, and I-man don't support any groups who represent a mentality or justification for hatred.

and atsonicpark, just because I don't think racists are justified doesn't mean I don't understand or forgive them, or have love for them, BUT, I can not tolerate such misguided behavior. Hatred and racism are dangerous, they are a fire, and as impressive as watching the flicker of the flames can be, fire burns, and as much as you can love and forgive the fire, you also have to put it out, sometimes by smashing it out!


fuck nazis
and fuck these dudes


oh yeah, and fuck these hate-filled so-called Christians too..

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