Originally Posted by Danny
Che Guevara was a twat.
I'm all for democratic socialism but I feel no affinity with commonly idolised godheads of revolution like Che Guevara, Lenin, et al. Every other left-of-centre person I've ever talked to seems to look up to these people as a role model, a perfect example of how to apply socialist beliefs to government, and this is completely ridiculous considering the amount of crimes against humanity these men are responsible for. Salvador Allende was pretty okay, but then again, he did blatantly cheat on his wife (who died last week, by the way- she was a champion of Chilean opposition to Pinochet, all round legend).
Generally my argument here is that I am at heart a socialist, but I don't like any other socialists because they are doing it all wrong.
your anger is misplaced. why be upset with revolutionary doctor Che ? Be upset with the fakers wearing his t shirts and listening to shit-ass rage against the machine.