Originally Posted by phoenix
I don't know what other symptoms I have.. It's the one that bothers me and causes discomfort.. I *do* also have a bit of a sunken chest though, but nothing that anyof my GP have ever seemed to care too much about.
well, first, diaphragms won't ever actually "hurt". however, if you are experiencing pain in that area, there's a good chance it's simple reflux.
gastroesophageal reflux can cause painful sensations, shortness of breath and coughing (with the symptoms most often occuring in the morning after the stomach acid has had a good go at yr esophagus).
mostly, try to avoid eating/drinking several hours before bed.
Common foods that can worsen reflux symptoms include- citrus fruits
- chocolate
- drinks with caffeine or alcohol
- fatty and fried foods
- garlic and onions
- mint flavorings
- spicy foods
- tomato-based foods, like spaghetti sauce, salsa, chili, and pizza
^^^ see also: smoking.
trying limiting yr intake of the above items as well as giving plenty of time for food/drink to digest before going to bed. and for a non-prescriptive remedy, try elevating yr pillow (about 10 degrees).
if the symptoms do not subside, get back to me.