Originally Posted by phoenix
There aren't really any farms near me.. and to be honest I'm not sure I could be a farm girl. I'd give it a go, though I'm sure I'd not last very long haha.
The website looks like something for working holiday visa people, though?
you don't have to be a
farm girl to work on a farm.
everyone i work with on the organic farm is college educated, fairly hip and most of them have other careers that they can't find work in... more like just girls that happen to be on a farm. i didn't think i'd be cut out for it either, i'd never dug up a potato or an onion in my life... but now i'm in great shape, flat stomach, nice tan and i didn't pay for any of it.
still, if yr the type that thinks nature is gross, don't like fresh air and sun, never been camping... then no it's not for you.
...for some it is a cheap way to travel, for others it's a lifestyle and a way to find the next job.