Originally Posted by Bertrand
I really dig this one!
On a good day it would be 1/30.
On a regular day 1/40.
I might do the ones I like the best straight away, then take other clichés under slightly different angles, just to make sure there will be something nice in the end.
I liked your picture of the lonely tiny house on post 2506, for its frame.
Your shots seem a bit blinded though, colours lose their power.
To be honest, I cheat a bit and add a bit more this and a bit more that with Digital Photo Professionnal, and started with Picasa2 (free).
the loss of colours in porky's stuff might be how the cam in his phone meters. I generally use spot metering and meter for mid tones so i get fairly even exposure through the whole frame, unless i wanna specifically over or under expose something.
a mate of mine who is a great photographer in tokyo gave me some good advice about shooting; he said pick a topic each time and stick to shooting only 24 or 36 frames, this focuses your brain a bit more while shooting. then after shooting those frames just go shoot whatever captures your eye.