05.10.2009, 05:49 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Posts: 3,289
Originally Posted by Glice
The thing for me is that there are hundreds of versions of English. The one that I speak is different from the one you speak, and gmku is different again.
You've lived in the same area as me, but do you know where it's appropriate to say 'belter' or 'bleeder' or 'beauty'? Three words that all have a similar intent and sociolectical definition (loosely, an obviously stupid person), but they each come from a different borough in south Bristol. The point I'm making is that they English you use is by no means a more orthodox version of English just because you're 'English' - in fact, in this instance, I imagine that your English is just as inorthodox a form of English as the English of someone from Kentucky, or Kingston, or Nairobi or Swansea.
Standard English is, to my mind, an ideal formed in the subconscious of the world, not something that actually exists. It's fine that a lot of people are inobservant of these distinctions, but these distinctions do exist and it's precisely these distinctions that make us humans. Innit bredrin?
Yeah I know I'm talking crap, I'm just responding to goomuckoo.