Thread: Hmmm...
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Old 05.07.2009, 01:47 PM   #72
Savage Clone
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Originally Posted by afterthefact
Is that any of your business if somebody buys a house?

There are too many freakin' hippies here...

Let me ask all of you who are fed up with Wal-Mart: What are you doing about it? Are you forming a coalition to fight against them? Are you running for congress so as to make some change?

Either do something about it, or shut up. Nobody wants to hear you cry about something you aren't even trying to fix.

Well, since The Bottom Line is the only thing that Wal Mart is concerned with, the only thing any of us can actually do about it as individuals is choose not to give our money to Wal Mart and oh, maybe shop elsewhere, which is what I have chosen to do. Sometimes a community will find out that Wal Mart wants to open a store in their area and get together and see to it that it doesn't happen. I have heard of this on a few occasions.

But thanks so much for your insufferably condescending, bitchy, parental writing style. It really helps get the discourse going, and really elevates the discussion.

You don't have to dig very deep to discover that their business practices are destructive, their products are shit, it's a HORRIBLE place to work, and that they actually bring down the quality of established companies' products by demanding a ridiculous level of cheapness in production. For god's sake....
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