^^^ this brings up an interesting point.
I have been megadosing and recommending megadosing of zinc. high daily doses (preferably prior to symptomatic onslaught) will stop just about any virus in it's tracks (including SARS).
the problem is, the rash of deaths in mexico occurred in the 25-40 year old bracket. these are people with highly efficient immune systems.
so, the question is, would I be better off taking immunosuppressives instead of zinc? it sounds counterintuitive.
I'm actually hoping that my current congestion and sore throat ARE the swine flu. I have no fever and other than being slightly miserable, it could be worse.
building my own natural immunity to this strain's DNA seems to be the best way to go.
also, it doesn't change my plans for surviving the pox-eclipse very much at all. while the currently uninfected suffer in the fall, I will be lounging around, smoking cigarettes.