Originally Posted by phoenix
this board provides the perfect place to vent anger.
it's going to be difficult transcribing the entire jist of it, but here goes:
this-guy: hey man have you downloaded the eternal? it's awesome.
FloBot2.0: no, not going to. I want to buy it.
this-guy: don't you download music?
FloBot2.0: not anymore, really. I have almost too much to listen to as it is, and I just buy what I want.
this-guy: oh well I use this program that lets you download from other people's itunes. it usually cost money, but I have a free password!
FloBot2.0: nah, that's ok man. I'll just wait *
ponders the horror of keyloggers*
this-guy: don't you want to be cool? (no, really, he "said" that)
FloBot2.0: not so much. I'm a dork, and I'm proud. how about we just meet up some night and swap hard-drive files?
this-guy: but this is free man! I have a password.
FloBot2.0: nah, really. thanks though!
this-guy: whatever you say dude.
FloBot2.0: hey I'll see you at TVOTR in a couple weeks at least!
this-guy: yeah ok don't know
this-guy: hey [girlgun] what's wrong with yr husband?
girlgun: huh? what do you mean?
this-guy: I think he hates me. I was trying to share music with him and he was being a jerk.
girlgun: oh really? I know he likes you! he's a little weird though about talking to people.
this-guy: well I don't think I'm going to talk to him again! he really has problems. if YOU ever want to hang out with me and [this-guy's wife] let me know!
girlgun: I'm so sorry [this-guy] I don't know what's wrong with him! I'll talk to him about it though.
this-guy: no don't say anything please!
girlgun: hey. wake up. we need to talk.
FloBot2.0: oh god. what happened?
girlgun: I got a weird text from [this-guy]
FloBot2.0: you too? (LOL-IRL)
girlgun: no really. I think you hurt his feelings.
FloBot2.0: what the fuck?? really?
girlgun: yeah, I explained to him that you just
seem a little antisocial. he said he wasn't going to talk to you anymore.
FloBot2.0: fine by me. I really have no desire to coddle to other's mental issues.
girlgun: well, he really is a nice guy.
FloBot2.0: really? so nice he would text my wife about my "problems" because I didn't want his fucking keylogger embedded into my itunes folder?
girlgun: uh....what?
FloBot2.0: yeah. he wanted me to download some pirated shit. I don't want to. I don't need it! I tried to be "nice". I even suggested we hang out instead...TWICE! really....YOU read the text log and see just how much of an asshole I am.
girlgun: (read) ....oh. well...
^^^ this, kind sirs and madams, is why I hate humans. useless sacks of ape-dna. by fire be purged.
[editor's note: girlgun is inhuman]
on the flip-side: my good friend was able to calm me down some by explaining that I'm not really antisocial, I'm just not into oklahomans very much. he may be right. unfortunately (poor word choice maybe), he too insists on sending me the fucking eternal. (LOL-IRLx2)