Hello internets. I'm greatrayray, a strapping young lad from new jersey who resents music television like anyone with half a brain should.
but i digress. daydream nation gave me my first taste of SY about 9 months ago, but the Goo vids got me hooked. As of right now i'd consider myself a pretty solid fan, and right now I'm digging hits of sunshine, do you believe in rapture? & expressway to yr. skull.
i hope to attend my first SY show at the Electric Factory this summer.
if you want to find me, my other stomping grounds are on the flaming lips forums, where i will continue to comment obsessively :P
i play a bunch of instruments and my goals include growing ironic facial hair and getting paid to blow shit up.
i hope you'll find me as an essential member on the SY boards. Cheers.