04.09.2009, 08:17 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 21,165
Originally Posted by jon boy
personally i couldnt give a shit if internet people dissapear.
a scan of yr optic nerve says otherwise.
you definitely want to give us yr shit. I have read that poo fetishism is rampant on the internet (and very popular in germany); however, not searching it out, I haven't run into an actual practitioner. why do you want to give us yr shit? how do you cope with the smell? when you give poo, do you rely on international-mail-irradiation to DESTROY all the bacteria, or do you microwave it first? does the poo get runny when you microwave it? I imagine that the smell of microwaving poo is rather intense. do you have a special microwave that is reserved for poo (so as to not contaminate yr hotpockets)? I'm sorry for all of these questions, but I've had them written down on a stickie-note (on the back of my computer) and I'm fairly anxious to throw it away. anyways, feel free to answer all or not any of these questions (whatever you feel comfortable with). I promise that I will not use yr actual name if data from this survey is actually published. please note: any proceeds from such a publication would be the sole property of the author. answers are on a voluntary basis and given in the interest of furthering science. please also note: despite recent rumors, participating in the above study does not necessarily lead to the participant actually disappearing.