Tangible Ghosts
Early this morning
(so early that some call it last night)
you might find yourself in bed
wondering on the molecular level
why your sheets aren't rigid
or how anything moves
or how a science class might make the universe
more mysterious.
Solid transparent objects as tangible ghosts.
Hair underneath your leg as uncomfortable art.
How things exist without sentences.
People who enjoy the controversy of being a bitch
might like what I have to say about them.
But I can't play out those scenarios in my head
because I can't play it out in theirs.
The difficulty of thought
is a flaw of the brain.
Last night I dreamt about why the day starts at 12:00 AM
and how I wasn't dreaming in real time
and how it was probably early morning
and how tomorrow (today) I would start a story with
"Last night I dreamt..."