Originally Posted by gmku
We mostly buy and prepare our own meals, ie, groceries. It's all much safer and healthier that way. We only go to restaurants to be "special." You know, drink pretentious bottles of wine and little sushi wraps and junk like that.
it is easier and cheaper for me to buy i-man beans and rice from the taco joint than to dirty up the pans and spend the hour making em from scratch.. I mean I could get some canned beans and minute rice but that is nasty, and making beans and rice purely from scratch when I can get a shitload for 3 bucks is redundant..
though I do prefer to cook my meals as well, its just that I have been having to cook for myself only lately, my sister who I live with has had too busy of a schedule and I-man does not want to be the dish master.. I already have to do all the damned chores as it is
but my reference to Nob Hill is on vacation, and my sister there doesn't cook for shit, and here cabinats are often bare unless I come by and fill em up with good things like lentils and pita and rice and tortillas..
i have no choice when I am there but to wander around to find some food like a
meskinwoch! (beggar, lit. 'poor devil')