Originally Posted by Youth_Against_Facism
I have about a million spiders in my house.
When I was younger we named a Huntsman spider Norman.
And I kept a Wolf spider as a pet (for a yr4 project) and it had like a million spider babies and every time me and my partner opened it about 40 babies ran out. 
I used to let the spiders in my house live and let live, after all, there are only three or four harmful spiders in southern california to begin with, so it was never a problem.
then one day I woke up with the worst seering pain in my foot, like I was walking on coals. I just figured I hurt myself.. after three days it progressed to disabling my entire leg, as if the whole fucking leg was on fire.. no sleep, pure night sweats like the worst fever I have ever had..
finally after three days of this I wandered my way into the emergency room to find out that had I waited two more days I probably would have died, a spider had bitten my foot and had some kind of wild ass bacteria on its fangs which had infected my leg and was literally killing me.
moral of the story. I kill all spiders in the house on the spot, however with remaing bit of regret, after all, they didn't hurt me like that one, but you can not be too careful after a near death experience..