I'm trying to write a couple of short-stories (well, they're not so much short-stories as much as memories of mine from my early teens, mainly involving other people, which I think make interesting observations about people's mindset at that age). I'm trying to read a lot of short-stories, to get an idea of what the good ones do right (and, I guess, the bad ones do wrong). Anyway can anyone recommend an interesting short-story writer and a collection of his/her work that is worth getting?
Over the last few months I've read:
The Complete Short Stories of Truman Capote (some of them miss but A Mink Of One's Own, Miriam, A Tree OF Night and One Christmas are as good as it gets).
Short Cuts by Raymond Carver.
The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe (with extra stories) by Carson McCullers.
A big compilation of Hemmingway's.
Stephen King's Night Shift (amazing how many 20-page stories of his have been turned into films, even franchines - and The Last Rung On The Ladder, a non-horror one, is really moving).
.... and that's it.