Family Portraits: A Trilogy of America - 8/10
3 great little shorts about madness and child abuse and other topics from the same director. The best short "Cutting Moments" has Power Rangers having doll sex, a girl who cuts her own lips off (and then her tits get cut off), gore by Tom Savini, and the main character looks like Steve Albini! Reccomended.

benny's video - 5/10
Guess I just don't like Haneke's movies. I've only seen a few now and they've all been interesting and seem to be going for something really mindblowing but they all end up going nowhere. This film's okay, probably the best I've seen by him, but it literally adds up to nothing but an obvious punch line... we're a culture desensitized by tv violence! How obvious. There's a scene in this where the main character watches the Toxic Avenger, which I wish I was doing instead of watching this.

thin blue line - 8/10
I remember seeing this when I was a kid and I recently revisited it after some discussion on the noise boards. I don't usually rate documentaries because I find them difficult to rate because my enjoyment of the subject matter covered in the documentary is going to affect how I rate it and how interesting I find the film and so on........, but this documentary in particular is one I think EVERYONE would enjoy. One of the most
important documentaries ever.