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Old 11.19.2008, 03:16 PM   #24
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An Observation on Two Essentialisms

Mon 10:42pm
It is a rare thing when the very same gay males who oppose the slightest acknowledgment of gender essentialism do not also embrace and hold dear a number of essentialist ideas about homosexual males. How can it be that males and females may not generally be described as having certain tendencies, behaviors and aptitudes, but homosexual males are somehow naturally more "artistic," "cultured," "stylish," or "witty?" It is easy to catch someone who faithfully asserts that males and females are essentially the same offhandedly according gays with any number of natural "gifts" which make them, as a group, special or even superior. These two positions are obviously irreconcilable, and this commonplace is one of numerous ways that gays reveal their "culture" to be fundamentally little more than a "self esteem" movement.

The above is a brilliant observation by Jack Malebranche which sparked an interesting chat online with him and some other dudes. Any comments/thoughts are much appreciated.