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Old 11.17.2008, 02:37 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Hmm, speaking for myself - people's sexuality is always in flux, and without going into personal details here, mine shifts around quite a lot. I'm pretty happy with it now, tbh, and anyway, the idea of someone being utterly hetero or gay is ridiculous.

You made a point I agree with, and one I don't. I'm sure that if I was to convince a straight male to have sex with me (regardless of the quality), there is a not so strange possibility that they could even enjoy penetration, as we are 'sexual' beings, like we often say. On the other hand what makes humans different from animals is the fact that we are capable of thinking rationally and know what we like best, therefore we set clear boundaries that indicate what we prefer and stick to.