You know how when you were at school you weren't a particularly good judge of character, and put up with hanging around with some total little shites? Well, I certainly did. I used to have a schoolfriend when I was 13/14 that sort of age, and he was such a little bastard, he constantly teased me for being small, effeminate and generally likely to immerge as a homosexual (actually I'm bisexual so he was only half right- ha!). Well last night I bumped into him, after almost 5 years of not speaking too him, in a gay bar. And he is a raging homosexual.
But it gets better. I used too have another mate, his best friend, who was just as guilty for thinning that oh-so-thin line between friend and bully. In year 9 (age 14) I stopped hanging around with both of them because they were blantant twats. Within a year of this, they fucked eachothers little lights out. Ha ha, you couldn't make this shit up, truth can be stranger than fiction, and I fucking love it.