My computer's been dead so I've just been watching movies... more than usual!
scrap heaven - 8/10

Really brilliant Japanese "disaffected people performing anarchy" film with no real flaws honestly... though it's not something I'd watch all the time.
all about lily chou chou - 8/10

Brilliant, beautiful, unlike anything I've seen. WAY too long for something like this though (like 2 hours and 40 minutes)...
poultrygeist: night of the chicken dead - 6/10

As much as I love Troma, this was too long and meandering and wasn't really anything new, even though the dance numbers were good (though why not just watch Happiness of the Katakuris for something like that?)...
the jesus lizard - live

Can't rate this, it's just a live dvd. Good stuff of course.