the burning - 8/10
Was shocked at how much I liked this! I knew I'd like it, but wow.. great atmosphere, doesn't stray too far from other horror clichés but it definitely delivers in every area it needs to deliver in.
femme fatale - 7/10

Another one I was surprised with the quality of. I'm a big DePalma fan but I'm not going to pretend like he's done anything amazing in forever... however, this film really shocked me, it harkened back to classics like Body Double, Blow Out, Obsession, etc... a bit too long, but the cinematography was amazing, there wasn't a lot of dialogue (which is awesome)... the only thing was, it was a bit too long and the twists were a bit unneccessary but that's to be expected with DePalma..
kids - 5/10
When this came out in 1995, I'm sure it was shocking and insane and mindblowing, but there have been so many films since then (and actually before then) that explored teenage degeneration that this was actually pretty boring to me. I'm not really a fan of Korine (who co-wrote this) though I'm going to check out other Larry Clark films, because this was well-made and pretty funny at times but all in all didn't do much for me..