I'm pissed off today. In relation to my previous post on the first page or two.
I'm starting to feel the woes of not having any money or car (since i wrecked the day I got my paycheck) and I don't get paid until NEXT friday. every other week paychecks blow.
oh well, I'm still optimistic because Im alive. Also had a nice trip last weekend....heh..
Oh and my band just started recording our first full length, we hammered out 12 tracks in two sessions (bass, drums, and guitar) with scratch vocals. in this big church. albini style drum sound, nice and big, everything else is booming and warm and isolated n shit with smart bleed, cuz alittle is nice. its sounding good. we'll probably knock out the whole album in two sessions....
tho...cant afford any pot, alcohol, or cigs for the sessions/after parties...so...arrrrrrrrr!