little otik - 7/10
Bizarre and entertaining film from the guy who made Faust and Alice. If you like those films you'll enjoy this one though it does seem a bit too long and drawn out at times.

dracula: pages from a virgin's diary - 8/10
This is only the 2nd Guy Maddin film I've seen, but if his other films are this great then I'll go ahead and say he's probably the best North American director around currently. This film is fucking genius. It's a silent film (from 2003) that's also a ballet about Dracula. Way more interesting than it sounds, trust me. Fast-paced with beautiful music and eye-popping visuals... a truely original and awesome film.

night at the golden eagle - 7/10
Adam Rifkin is a very curious director... he's directed straight-up dark and crazy films like The Dark Backward and this, goofy and hilarious trash like Psycho Cop 2 and The Invisible Maniac, not to mention a family film or two, Detroit Rock City (?!?!), and The Chase.. you know, that movie where Kristy Swanson has sex with Charlie Sheen while they're driving. None of his films are anything alike whatsoever... anyway, this is a dark and depressing but pretty awesome film..