Decided to re-watch all these with my girlfriend recently.
Oldboy is still a fucking mess of a film but it's more enjoyable than when I first saw it 3 years ago. Really, I find it kind of boring, I don't like any of the characters, and the plot doesn't really do anything for me after the first (and last) 20 minutes or so. Meh.
Lady Vengeance is fucking awesome.. that sex scene at the table is great! I think it's the hardest to get into because it shifts focus so much and because it explores themes that most Americans don't really want to see explored, but it's a masterpiece through and through -- you have to watch the fade to white version, where the movie slowly fades to black and white..
I still gotta say, Sympathy is by far and away is the most pleasing to my senses.
I appreciate Park Chan's artful sensibilities mixed with really heavy, emotional stories. He really knows how to craft scenes that effect you; his depictions of cold, emotionless sexual acts in his films always get to me. But his films are also fucking hilarious and beautiful.
If I was going to reccomend one, MR. VENGEANCE is by far his masterpiece so far. I like how all the characters in the film are good people but they all do really bad things at some point.